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Building Teams, Retention, Team Management
Effective Remote Work
In this episode, Adam and Slava discuss the new normal of the remote workplace. We discuss the challenges in working remote, key benefits to being remote, and provide guidance for managers to effectively manage remote teams and maximize healthy productivity.
Effective Engineering Manager, Egineering Manager Tools, Managing Across, Managing Up
Escalating Work Issues Effectively
We offer an approach to escalating work issues that brings results without destroying relationships. We share what the escalations are, the impact of escalating unskillfully, and how to escalate professionally and effectively. In the end we provide a checklist that our listeners can use to escalate work issues effectively.
Effective Engineering Manager, People Management, Performance Management
Effective Goal Setting
It’s that time of year again for managers and directs to start planning goals and executing on them for the new year. In this episode, we will discuss the challenges with goal setting and provide guidance for making the goal setting process more effective.
Effective Engineering Manager, Time Management
Getting Things Done: Taking Time Off
We share the effective way for taking time off. In the end we offer a check list that consists of
- Designate a substitute
- Prepare your substitute
- Set up the Out of The Office response in your email client
- Have a sync up meeting with your direct report after you come back
Effective Engineering Manager, Effective SDLC, Egineering Manager Tools, Engineering Process, Project Management, Team Management, Time Management
Getting Things Done: Staff Meetings
We share what staff meetings are, why they are important for keeping your team accountable for their deliverables and how they help you to stay on top of everything the team is doing. We provide guidance on how frequently you should run them and how to make them effective. In the end we provide a checklist that our listeners can use to start running effective staff meetings.
Building managers, Effective Engineering Manager, Managing Across, Managing Up, One-on-One
Building Managers: Now That You Are A Manager
Wrapping up the ‘becoming a manger series’ with guidance and steps on what new engineering managers can do once their training completes and they are now officially a manager. Guidance includes: managing introductions and the first couple of weeks; planning your first 30-60-90 days; setting up foundational meetings like 1-on-1s; building key lateral relationships; creating space for the team to get to know you and your plan.
Building managers, Career Development, Effective Engineering Manager, One-on-One, People Management
Building Managers: Implementing The Plan
In this episode we present a practical, step-by-step implementation guide for transitioning engineer's career to the engineering management track.
Building managers, Career Development, Effective Engineering Manager, People Management
Building Managers: Building a Success Strategy
We share how to build a success-oriented strategy by taking care of four management pillars, organization, people, product, processes and tools.
Building managers, Effective Engineering Manager
Building Managers: Leading From The Back, Leading From The Front
We share what the role of the engineering leader means and how to approach leading from both the front and the back.
Building managers, Effective Engineering Manager
Building Managers: Not A Promotion
Our guest speaker, Anand Safi, shares how transitioning a career from an engineer to an engineering manager is not a promotion. Also, Anand shares a checklist on what to do first 90 days as a new engineering manager.
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